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Format for Seed Registration Protocol

1. Crop name - Chilly
2. Season/region/time - 3 different places at appropriate season
3. Check variety - registered variety (similar variety with the habit of fruit setting)
4. Plot size - 12 ft x 20 ft (4 rows/bed, 10 plts/row, 40 plts/small plot)
5. Spacing - 2 ft x 3 ft
6. Design - RCB
7. Fertilizer rate - for 1 ac rate
  Urea - 200 kg/ac
  T-super - 90 kg/ac
  Potash - 150 kg/ac
  Cow/chicken dust - 10-12 ton/ac
8. Care and management - pick up fruit from angle (pick up at the first flowering time)


one plant rate

Days Nitrogen
Basal - 12.5 5.2 1.4
15 days after sowing 9.2 - 5.2 -
30 days after sowing 9.2 - 5.2 -
50 days after sowing 9.2 - 5.2 -
Total 27.6 12.5 20.8 1.4


8.    Data record and rates

a.    Sow at (30-35)days of Nursery/ transplanting day

b.    50% flowering day
-    The date shall record from seedling to 50% of flowers are blooms.

c.    First pick up day of fruit
-    The date shall be record first pick up day (75-80 days after seedling can start to pick up) and record by type of variety.

d.    Fruit length (cm)
-    Shall be measured the average length from 10 sample fruit.

e.    Height of fruit (cm)
-    Shall be measured the average height from 10 sample fruit.       

f.    Weight of a fruit (cm)
-    Shall be measured the weight of 10 pods every picking time.

g.    Total fruit weight per plant (g)
-     Shall be calculated 10-20 plants from middle rows.

h.    Total marketable fruit weight per plant (g)
-    Shall be calculated 10-20 plants from middle rows (pest/ disease/small size, etc…).

i.    Number of plant at the harvesting time
-    Shall be measured the number of 20 plants from middle two rows at small plot.

j.    Disease resistant
-    Shall be recorded the grade of disease for every varieties.

k.    Habit of fruit setting
-    Upside, downward, cluster or not

l.    Fruit color - fresh/ ripen

m.    Yield (viss/ac)
-    Shall be harvested all plants of inter two rows at the harvested area and calculated the whole acre yield from plot yield.

Yield (eg) = ----kg x 43560 (ft2/ac)
   120 ft2 (Harvested area)
  = (---) kg / acx 0.62
* (1 viss = 1.6 kg)


Anthracnose Phytophthora blight

Grade for disease

R (=resistant, 70-100% healthy plants/plot)
MR (=moderate resistnat, 50-70% healthy plants/plot)
MS (=moderate susceptible, 20-50% healthy plants/plot))
S (=susceptible, 0-20% healthy plants/plot)